Noah Nerina

A petal on the wind

Basic info

Name: Noah Aliapoh
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: The Black Shroud
Current residence: Shirogane
Family: 2 younger sisters (Myoh and Zoeh)
Marital status: Single / Widow
Health: Average, tends to get colds
Pets: A sprout Korpokkur
Main job: Healer and botanist


Shape: Short, delicate and slim frame.
Skin: Rosy pale
Hair: Silky, brunette. Fluffy tail
Eyes: Deep turquoise
Voice: Sweet tone and a bit nasal.
Scars: Several bite marks and scars across her neckline. A burn scar on her lower back.
Style: Classy and cute. Usually goes for soft colors (Pink, white, greens and sometimes red). Prefers comfortable and wide clothes, usually dresses, tunics and long jackets. Uses perfumes she makes on her own, often a mix of lavender, peach or cinnamon.
Accesories: She wears a black flower on her hair in memory of her late husband. She always uses a pink ribbon as a necklace, it's locked under a spell inside a pearl talisman and can't be removed. Usually has other floral accesories or moon related jewelry.

Personality and SKILLS

Personality: Melancholic, sweet, curious, naughty... She enjoys teasing people to get what she wants. Has a bad habit of getting in troubles. She isn't very sharp, but compensates it with a great magical intuition. Comes up as immature and childish sometimes. Impulsive, bratty and sassy when she's mad. She likes going against the wind and is usually very stubborn about the stuff she wants and thinks.
Likes: Books, nature, anything cute.
Dislikes: Politics, Garleans, cooking.
Fears: After the death of her husband, she fears losing any of her sisters. She's scared of moving away far from home or cities.
Favourite foods: Fish
Favourite drinks: Juices, wine, tea.
Hobbies: Reading, fishing, gardening
Magical skills: She's very skilled at conjury, either healing spells or wind and water element spells. She can cast teleporting spells on herself, but at a big cost of her aether.
Other skills: Since a kid she's always been interested in botanics and gardening. She's also able to create herbal healing potions and perfumes.
Weakness: She's horrible at cooking, that's why she prefers to eat raw food or vegetables if not just paying for someone to cook for her. She's not strong and has troubles with physical combats. She's not great at reading people's intentions, be them good or bad.

Background story

Noah was born in The Black Shroud. She's the eldest daughter of a couple of Keeper Miqo'tes who decided to step away from the Tribal life. After the birth of her youngest sister Zoeh, her father got killed by their old tribal members and her mother abandoned Noah and her 2 sisters in Gridania, scared for them and wanting to keep them safe. They were taken care by the Twin Adders and started studying conjury since a very young age.

Noah always took the role of mother for her sisters and decided to start earning money to pay for a house for them 3 to live together, so she started working as errand healer. She joined an adventurer's company where she started working as main healer and nurse. There she met her husband, a war veteran Black Mage who dabbled in the Black Market and played with forbidden dark magic arts.
Due to the war against Garlean empire at the frontier in Ala Mhigo, her husband decided to move to Kugane, where he and Noah started a big successful business at the shores of Shirogane. Not long after their move, Noah and her sisters recieved a request from the Twin Adders to join the front in Ala Mhigo as part of their debt for raising them in the city. Her husband kept the request in secret and offered himself to go in their behalf to the front to keep Noah and her sisters safe, where he eventually got killed.
Currently Noah has decided to stop her late husband's business, sell their properties and go back to live to Gridania. She's hoping to recover her old quiet life and keep her family close now that war seems to be finally over.


I've been roleplaying with Noah for over 6 years, she's my main character for RP and I always wanted her RP story to evolve with the time as her life goes on. It's a work in progress and I really have fun doing it this way because I feel it keeps the RP alive and realistic for me.
I prefer RP to be done in game, I can RP on Discord on the side, but ingame RP will always be my priority.

I have some strict rules for RP:
You must be over 18 years old. I don't RP with minnors, no matter what kind of content the RP is about.As stated above, your character must be 18 years old or more IC.I'm open for any kind of roleplay, I'm welcome to RP adult and dark scenes, but please let me know in advance what's the plot for it.I won't RP scenes where my character could get killed. I'm ok with fights and battle RPs, but under a clear plot and planification.I don't mind breaking the game lore, just keep stuff realistic.Don't try to control or harass me in game. RP is something I do on the side. I usually log in to actually play the game. So understand that me being online doesn't mean I'm able to RP at all times. People who push into my tells or Discord private messages usually get me very nervous and angry. So don't force it, please.If RP is PG I don't mind roleplaying in public. For everything else I will only RP in party chat, tell or inside a closed room.
Aside all that, keep things normal and fun and I will be more than happy to RP with you. Don't be an ass or a gigantic creep and I won't feel uncomfortable. I believe I'm pretty open and I've rarely ever had problems in the past. Hope we can work on our characters stories together ❤

Aside Noah I have a bunch of extra characters for RP, but I prefer to keep RP mainly on Noah until I know people better. The reason for that is because I'm aware it can be overwhelming when someone showers you with all their characters, backstories, etc. that have been going for years... So that's why I prefer to keep things simple in the beginning to meet people and I always prefer Noah since it's my main character in the game and communication is easier.


Hello! I've been playing FFXIV since ARR pre release (Forever ago), I live in Europe and my main language is spanish. I used to play in EU Data Center but I moved to Balmung during Heavensward. I defend myself pretty decently in english but sometimes I may write weird stuff or missunderstand posts. I apologize in advance for that...

I use to be online in my afternoons (EU timezone) so I prefer to RP with people in Europe, Asian mid east and Eastern America zones.

I'm shy and introverted, so I don't reach people as much as I should. I tend to get stressed easily so please be patient with me. I'm very passionate about the stuff I like and I take RP seriously, so sometimes I may sound overexcited or into a weird hyper mode... I realized I'm weird long ago lol...

You can see more pics and get a bit more info about Noah and myself on Twitter and Tumblr. The links are posted below.


To be fair, I'm open to pretty much all kind of situations in RP. But things can start faster or more smooth taking these hooks in consideration:
Your character can cast spells. Noah is super interested on all kinds of magic and has a great magical intuition. She's curious about all sorts of spells.You own a library, book store, etc. One of Noah's passions is reading and collecting books of all kinds. Her favourite books aside spell studying, are tales from all places around the world, botanics and sometimes cheesy romantic stuff.You're a tribal keeper Miqo'te. Noah was raised in Gridania and has no knowledge of tribal life, wich she finds interesting even if she doesn't want to take part in it.You're a thief. Noah has a lot of money and is also a bit innocent. She's been recommended to keep a low profile if she travels around, but looking at her clothes and jewelry, an expert thief could consider her an easy target.Your character is in need of a healer or any kind of medical treatment.You are looking for RP in Kugane/Shirogane/The Ruby Sea. Noah owns a big house in Shirogane where she used to live with her late husband, if you need someone to RP in that zone, Noah has no problems to visit the zone.Dark RP: Due to Noah's late husband business and criminal activities, Noah is no stranger to this world. She will mostly try to stay away from it, but she won't look away to a person in need no matter their background.